Anna Sztwiertnia was born in Ustroń i 1993. She is a Graphic Arts student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków and internaltional student at the Faculty of Fine Arts – Universidade do Porto in Portugal. Annas work focuses on digital imagine, 3D animation and instalation. She is fascinated by studies and scientific research that explore and record emotions as she is inspired by psychology and human complexity. In her work she explores the abstract and the effect of being able to materialise that, which is difficult to name.

Anna has participated in numerous exhibitions and artistic events, such as “Image of the city” Gallery Labirynt in Lublin, carry out a photography project 2014, VII Prize of Engraving Atlante by the Museum of Engraving Arts in Spain 2016 – finalist, Visual Spa – pop-up exhibition in Warsaw 2016, LAVA Festival 2016 – finalist, Cracow Gallery Weekend | KRAKERS – „Namysł“, ARISTOI – exhibition.